Prague Film School Study in Czech Republic
Study Exchange
Prague Film School filmmaking programs provide foundation training and specialization studies in the areas of screenwriting, directing, cinematography and post-production. Combing lectures and practical work in the classroom with an intensive production load outside of class, Prague Film School inculcates the practical skills and theoretical knowledge to make quality films.

Study Exchange
Documentary Film making:
The Documentary Film Program at Prague Film School aims at creating the independent documentary filmmaker. Through intensive practical and theoretical work, each student learns how to adapt the narrative tools of drama to tell truthful stories about the real world that simultaneously entertain, educate and inspire audiences. The course is designed to develop professional-level production and post production skills.

Study Exchange
Acting for Film:
The Prague Film School Acting for Film Program offers an intensive, conservatory style curriculum instructing both the art and the craft of acting for the camera. While the vast majority of acting courses world-wide train students for theater, it’s actually screen acting that offers the bulk of career opportunities. It’s also screen acting that allows actors to engage with the largest audiences, across time and geography.